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Editor: acclaim entertainment

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Name: acclaim entertainment France
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NBA JamMystCrazy TaxiTurok: EvolutionUltimate Mortal Kombat 3Aggressive InlineNBA Jam Tournament EditionTurok 2: Seeds of EvilWWF RawBigfootDead or Alive 2ConstructorJudge DreddAlien 3South Park RallySpider-Man and Venom: Separation AnxietyWWF AttitudeSpider-Man & Venom: Maximum CarnageRe-VoltBust-A-Move 4Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance IIDave Mirra Freestyle BMXSouth ParkDragon: The Bruce Lee StoryUrban Freestyle SoccerThe Addams FamilyBatman ForeverTurok: Rage WarsWWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade GameSwords and SerpentsLegends of Wrestling IIBlockbuster World Video Game Championship IINBA Jam 2001Psychic ForceWWF in Your HouseExtreme-G: XG2RoboticaNFL Quarterback Club IIAliasTodd McFarlane's Spawn: The Video GameWorms 3DWarlockTerminator 2: Judgment DayIron Man / X-O Manowar in Heavy MetalBust-A-Move 2 Arcade EditionVexxWorms Forts: Under SiegeGeorge Foreman's KO BoxingSpider-Man/X-Men: Arcade's RevengeAll-Star Baseball 99Freestyle Street SoccerECW Anarchy RulzDarius GaidenWolverine: Adamantium RageMagic: The Gathering - BattlemageDucati World Racing ChallengeBust-A-Move MillenniumBrain BenderArch Rivals: A Basket Brawl!9DragonsJeremy McGrath Supercross 2000Dropzone (GBC)Destination EarthstarTunnel B1ATV Quad Power Racing 2SX SuperstarNFL Quarterback Club 2002Frank Thomas Big Hurt BaseballNARCThe Incredible Crash DummiesDemolition ManAll-Star Baseball 2001The Simpsons: Bart's NightmareFur Fighters: Viggo's RevengeWWF Super WrestlemaniaTiger-HeliParis-Dakar RallyDave Mirra Freestyle BMX 3NFL Quarterback Club 97OthelloSpider-Man the Animated SeriesDouble Dragon II: The RevengeNBA Jam 2002Resurrection: Rise 2Champions World Class SoccerMonster Truck WarsXGIII: Extreme G RacingWWF WrestleManiaThe Punisher: The Ultimate PaybackCutthroat IslandThe Simpsons: Bart vs. the JuggernautsNFL QB Club 2001DragonHeart: Fire & SteelHBO BoxingF1 World Championship EditionMary-Kate and Ashley: Girls Night OutMortal Kombat IIWWF Rage in the CageMortal Kombat 3Maya The Bee: The Great AdventureAFL Live Premiership EditionVirtual BartPopulousRevolution XRise 2: ResurrectionThe Death and Return of SupermanTrickStyleArch RivalsDave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2Double Dragon IIAll-Star Baseball 2003Gladiator: Sword of VengeanceForsakenTotal RecallMary-Kate and Ashley: Crush CourseNHL Breakaway 99Batman Forever: The Arcade GameKrusty's Super Fun HouseNigel Mansell's Indy Car RacingRC RevengeStreet Fighter: The MovieRC Revenge ProSpeed KingsWWF War ZoneEcco the Dolphin: Defender of the FutureWinter GamesBattle MonstersSuper High ImpactMary-Kate and Ashley: Pocket PlannerDakar 2Scooby-Doo MysteryNBA Jam 200018 Wheeler: American Pro TruckerPunch KingExtreme-GAdvanced Dungeons & Dragons: Iron & BloodPsychic Force 2012Ferrari Grand Prix ChallengeThe Simpsons: Bart Meets Radioactive ManX-Men: Children of the AtomAFL Live 2003Marko's Magic FootballMary-Kate and Ashley: Magical Mystery MallShadow Man: 2econd ComingCybernoid: The Fighting MachineSpot Goes to HollywoodNo One Can Stop Mr. Domino!Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade GameVizBatman & RobinNBA Jam 99Extreme-G 2Riven: The Sequel to MystRoboCop 3South Park: Chef's Luv ShackNFL Quarterback ClubSuper Bust-A-MoveTime CommandoBlast LacrosseDMcGrath Vs. Pastrana Freestyle MotocrossMark Davis' The Fishing MasterBloodshotThe Crow: City of AngelsKwirkGalactic AttackDave Mirra Freestyle BMX: Maximum RemixECW: Anarchy RulzSummer Heat Beach VolleyballRamboNBA All-Star ChallengeJupiter StrikeExtreme Championship Racing: DevastationBust-A-Move 3Killing ZoneV-TennisVirtua Cop: Elite EditionRoger Clemens' MVP BaseballBMX XXXAll-Star 1997 Featuring Frank ThomasDirt Trax FXAll-Star BaseballYellow Brick RoadMary-Kate and Ashley: Winners CircleNFL Quarterback Club 99ZooCubeForeman For RealLegends of WrestlingPac-Man: Special Color EditionCorpse KillerFourmiz RacingBrain DrainAll-Star Baseball 2004Fantastic FourJeremy McGrath Supercross WorldAll-Star Baseball 2005BurnoutIggy's Reckin' BallsMaya the Bee and Her FriendsSoccer ManagerStriker '96Virtual Open TennisRC de GO!Burnout 2: Point of ImpactAFL Live 2004IronSword Wizards & Warriors IINBA Jam ExtremThe Simpsons Bart vs The WorldStargateNHL Breakaway 98Alien TrilogyFerrari F355 ChallengeArmorines: Project S.W.A.R.M.Shadow ManNFL Quarterback Club 98Bust-A-Move 3 DXTurok : Dinosaur HunterTurok 3 : Shadow of OblivionMortal KombatTrue LiesWizards & WarriorsNFL Quarterback Club 2000

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